b. Selected Publications
Ghosal, Sabyasachi, Austin Bennett, and Mark Turner. 2024 "The Red Hen Audio Tagger." Linguistics Vanguard. https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2022-0130.
Tiago Torrent, Thomas Hoffmann, Arthur Lorenzi, and Mark Turner. 2023 (online), 2024 (print). Copilots for Linguists: AI, Constructions, and Frames. Cambridge University Press. A volume in the series Elements in Construction Grammar.
Khasbage, Yash, Daniel Alcaraz Carrión, Jennifer Hinnell, Frankie Robertson, Karan Singla, Peter Uhrig, & Mark Turner. 2022. "The Red Hen Anonymizer and the Red Hen Protocol for de-identifying audiovisual recordings.” Linguistics Vanguard. https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2022-0017.
Besada, J. L., Barthel-Calvet A-S., Pagán Cánovas, C. 2021. Gearing time towards musical creativity: Conceptual integration and material anchoring in Xenakis’ Psappha. Frontiers in Psychology. Research Topic: What is Musical Creativity? Interdisciplinary Dialogues and Approaches.
Hinnell, Jennifer. 2020. Language in the Body: Multimodality in grammar and discourse. PhD dissertation, University of Alberta
Rodrigues, Rosana Ferrareto Lourenço. 2020. "Frame blending e metáfora conceptual para o desenvolvimento e comunicação de conceitos científicos". In: IX Conferência linguística e cognição: diálogos imprescindíveis, 2019, Belo Horizonte. IX Conferência linguística e cognição: diálogos imprescindíveis. Anais... https://cdn.even3.com.br/processos/ca6ecca0936141f997ff.pdf
Turner, Mark. 2020. “Constructions and Creativity.” In Hoffmann, Thomas, editor, Construction Grammar and creativity: Evolution, psychology, and cognitive science, a special issue of Cognitive Semiotics, 13:1.
Alcaraz Carrión, D., Pagán Cánovas, C. & Valenzuela, J. 2020. Enaction through co-speech gesture: the rhetorical handing of the mental timeline. Zeitschrift fur Anglistik and Amerikanistik 68(4): 411–431.
Valenzuela, J., Pagán Cánovas, C., Olza, I., Alcaraz Carrión, D. 2020. Gesturing in the wild: Spontaneous gestures co-occurring with temporal demarcative expressions provide evidence for a flexible mental timeline. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 18:2. 289-315.
Besada, J. L. & Pagán Cánovas, C. 2020. Timelines in spectral composition: A cognitive approach to musical creativity. Organised Sound 25(2): 142-155.
Pagán Cánovas, C. 2020. Learning formulaic creativity: Chunking in verbal art and speech. In Hoffmann, Thomas, editor, Construction Grammar and creativity: Evolution, psychology, and cognitive science, a special issue of Cognitive Semiotics, 13:1.
Pagán Cánovas, C., Valenzuela, J., Alcaraz Carrión, D., Olza, I., Ramscar, M. 2020. Quantifying the speech-gesture relation with massive multimodal datasets: Informativity in time expressions. PLoS ONE 15(6): e0233892.
Hinnell, Jennifer. 2019. "The verbal-kinesic enactment of CONTRAST in North American English". The American Journal of Semiotics,35(1-2): 55-92. https://doi.org/10.5840/ajs20198754
Rodrigues, Rosana Ferrareto Lourenço. 2019. "Research is a Quest: reframing a project as a Linguistic Research Program on Science Communication with the use of Data Science". SINERGIA (IFSP. ONLINE), v. 20, p. 82-102. https://ojs.ifsp.edu.br/index.php/sinergia/article/view/1112
Rodrigues, Rosana Ferrareto Lourenço. 2019. "A ciência é uma jornada: um projeto remodelado como programa de Pesquisa Linguística em Comunicação Científica com uso de Data Science". SINERGIA (IFSP. ONLINE), v. 20, p. 60-81. https://ojs.ifsp.edu.br/index.php/sinergia/article/view/1111
Rodrigues, Rosana Ferrareto Lourenço. 2019. "Retórica e os gêneros acadêmicos: mesclando imagens via analogia para comunicar ciência". Diálogos Pertinentes: Revista Científica de Letras, v. 15, p. 128-140. http://publicacoes.unifran.br/index.php/dialogospertinentes/article/viewFile/3579/1088
Rodrigues, Rosana Ferrareto Lourenço; Baptista, Ana Eliza Oliveira. 2019. "Design thinking tools for scientific storytelling: a didactic innovation". Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, INTED. 11th-13th March, 2019. Valencia, Spain. https://iated.org/concreteview_abstract.php?paper_id=72029
Rodrigues, Rosana Ferrareto Lourenço; Baptista, Ana Eliza Oliveira. 2019. "Mechanism for developing scientific concepts. Proceedings of the 11th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, EDULEARN. 1st-3rd July, 2019. Palma de Malorca,Spain.https://iated.org/concrete3/paper_detail.php?paper_id=75487
Turner, Mark, Maíra Avelar, & Milene Mendes de Oliveira. 2019. "Blended Classic Joint Attention and Multimodal Deixis." Signo. 44:79, pages 03-09.
da Cunha, Alexandre Martins; Isabela Santos; Daniel Pedrosa; Francis F. Steen; Mark Turner; Maira Avelar; Lilian Ferrari; Gustavo Paiva Guedes. 2018. Sentiment Analysis on Brazilian News Broadcast Data. Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM).
Hinnell, Jennifer. 2018. "The multimodal marking of aspect: The case of five periphrastic auxiliary constructions in North American English". Cognitive Linguistics, 29(4): 773-806. https://doi.org/10.1515/cog-2017-0009.
Rodrigues, Rosana Ferrareto Lourenço; Baptista, Ana Eliza Oliveira. 2018. "Multimodality in metaphor meaning: a cognitive analysis of scientific texts". P. 137-148. In: Linguagem em foco: volume temático: metáfora e multimodalidade / Paula Lenz Costa Lima, Maíra Avelar (Orgs.); Revista do programa de pós-graduação em lingüística aplicada da UECE. – v.10, n.2, 2018.—Fortaleza, CE: EdUECE. https://revistas.uece.br/index.php/linguagememfoco/article/view/1112
Steen, Francis F., Anders Hougaard, Jungseock Joo, Inés Olza, Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas, Anna Pleshakova, Soumya Ray, Peter Uhrig, Javier Valenzuela, Jacek Woźny and Mark Turner. 2018. Toward an Infrastructure for Data-driven Multimodal Communication Research. Linguistics Vanguard. Volume 4, Issue1, Pages 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2017-0041.
Turner, Mark. 2018. "The Role of Creativity in Multimodal Construction Grammar." Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik. Volume 66, Issue 3. Pages 357–370.https://doi.org/10.1515/zaa-2018-0030.
Turchyn, Sergiy, Inés Olza Moreno, Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas, Francis Steen, Mark Turner, Javier Valenzuela, and Soumya Ray. 2018. "Gesture Annotation with a Visual Search Engine for Multimodal Communication Research." IAAI-18.
Uhrig, Peter. 2018. “NewsScape and the Distributed Little Red Hen Lab – A digital infrastructure for the large-scale analysis of TV broadcasts.” In: Anne-Julia Zwierlein, Jochen Petzold, Katharina Böhm and Martin Decker (eds.), Anglistentag 2017 in Regensburg: Proceedings. Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.
Uhrig, Peter. 2018. “I don’t want to go all Yoko Ono on you – Creativity and Variation in a Family of Constructions.” ZAA 66/3.
Wang, Ronghua. 2018. Thinking, Speaking, and Gesturing: Grammatical Aspect in Spoken Chinese and English from the Perspective of Multimodal Communication. Ph.D. dissertation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Xiamen University.
Hoffmann, Thomas. 2017. Multimodal Constructs – Multimodal Constructions? The Role of Constructions in the Working Memory. Linguistics Vanguard.
Joo, Jungseock, Francis Steen, & Mark Turner. 2017. “Red Hen Lab: Dataset and Tools for Multimodal Human Communication Research.” KI - Künstliche Intelligenz. Springer. Special edition edited by Mehul Bhatt & Kristian Kersting. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13218-017-0505-9. Print ISSN 0933-1875. Online ISSN1610-1987.
Li, Weixin. 2017. Joint Image-Text Topic Detection and Tracking for Analyzing Social and Political News Events. Unpublished Ph.D.
Turner, Mark. 2017. “Slavic Red Hen, or, Laura Janda and the Dream of the Multimodal Constructicon.” Slavica.
Turner, Mark. 2017. "Polytropos and Communication in the Wild." The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics, edited by Barbara Dancygier. Pages 93-98.
Turner, Mark. 2017. "Multimodal Form-Meaning Pairs for Blended Classic Joint Attention." Linguistics Vanguard.
Zima, Elisabeth. 2017. "Multimodal constructional resemblance. The case of English circular motion constructions." In: Ruiz de Mendoza, Francisco; Luzondo, Alba and Paula Pérez-Sobrino (eds.) Constructing families of constructions. Edited volume for Human Cognitive Processing Series. John Benjamins.
Pagán Cánovas, C. & Valenzuela J. 2017. Timelines and multimodal constructions: Facing new challenges. Linguistic Vanguard 3(1): 20160087.
FitzGerald, William & Todd Oakley. 2016. "Invocation or Apostrophe?: Rhetorical Dimensions of Prayer Idioms in Broadcast Television" in Pascual, Esther and Sergeiy Sandler, editors, The Conversation Frame: Forms and Functions of Fictive Interaction. Human Cognitive Processing Series. Amsterdam, NL: John Benjamins Publishing.
Turner, Mark. 2015. "Blending in Language and Communication." Chapter 10 in Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. Edited by Ewa Dabrowska and Dagmar Divjak. De Gruyter Mouton. Analyzes various multimodal constructions related to blending, using Red Hen data.
Turner, Mark. 2015. "The Performing Mind." In Theater, Performance, and Cognition. Edited by Rhonda Blair and Amy Cook. Bloomsbury: Methuen.
Zima, Elisabeth. 2014. English multimodal motion constructions. A construction grammar perspective. Studies van de BKL - Travaux du CBL - Papers of the LSB, Volume 8. http://uahost.uantwerpen.be/linguist/SBKL/sbkl2013/Zim2013.pdf
Zima, Elisabeth. 2014. Gibt es multimodale Konstruktionen? Eine Studie zu [V(motion) in circles] und [all the way from X PREP Y]. Gesprächsforschung - Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion (15), 1-48. http://www.gespraechsforschung-ozs.de/fileadmin/dateien/heft2014/ga-zima.pdf
Nesset, T., A. Endresen, L. Janda, A. Makarova, F. Steen, & M. Turner. 2013. "How here and now in Russian and English establish joint attention in TV news broadcasts." Russian Linguistics 37:229–251 DOI 10.1007/s11185-013-9114-x.
Steen, Francis & Mark Turner. 2013. “Multimodal Construction Grammar” in Borkent, Michael, Barbara Dancygier, and Jennifer Hinnell, editors, Language and the Creative Mind. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications/ University of Chicago Press. Pages 255-274.