CWRU students: Join the Red Hen Lab!
Students can work in the Red Hen Lab as assistant researchers, interns, independent students, and, at CWRU, SAGES capstone students. Students research a particular topic of their own choosing or assist a researcher in the Lab with an existing project, or assist with the development of our various computational and statistical research tools, or manually tag items, or write help screens, or . . . use your imagination.
Red Hen conducts research on language, gesture, meaning, graphics, and all other aspects of multimodal communication, using a vast archive of 350,000+ hours of recorded communication, including network news in a variety of languages. Red Hen ingests another 150 hours of broadcasts daily. These data are also sometimes used as stimuli in cognitive science experiments, including brain imagining experiments.
Red Hen has made great progress recently in various research tools, some of which are presented here.
Undergraduate and graduate students at CWRU interested in working in the Red Hen Lab often enroll or participate in COGS 206-406, COGS 307-407, COGS 311-411, etc. 307 & 310 can count at CWRU as SAGES departmental seminars. Sages capstones often develop out of student work in these three courses.
Presentations of the Lab
- Professor Mark Turner. 10 December 2015, 9am-1pm Greenwich Mean Time. University of Sheffield.
- Professor Mark Turner. Monday, 25 August 2014, 11am-12:30pm Eastern Time (GMT-5), 618 Crawford Hall, Case Western Reserve University. A map is available at