d. Red Hen Lab - Google Summer of Code 2017 Report
Red Hen mentored 9 coders officially and an additional coder who was under the mentorship of CCextractor.
Google Summer of Code 2017 Projects:
Karolina Stosio: Audio Signal Characterization by Word -- mentor Karan Singla -- github
Divesh Pandey: Speech Recognition System based on Deep Speech -- mentor Tomas Gonzales -- report and github
Owen He: Large-scale Speaker Recognition System -- mentor Mark Turner -- blog and github
Prannoy Mupparaju: Multilingual parsing with SyntaxNet -- mentor Peter Uhrig -- github
Ganesh Srinivas: Learning Embeddings for Laughter Categorization -- mentor Michael Pacchioli -- github
Sri Krishna: Multimodal Emotion Detection on Videos using CNN-RNN -- mentor Jacob Suchan & Mehul Bhatt -- bitbucket
Donghun Lee: Multimodal television show segmentation -- mentor Tim Groeling and Kai Chan -- github -- report
Aparajita Haldar: Neural Network Models to Study Framing in News -- mentor Shruti Gullipuram -- blog
Nayeem Aquib: Controversy and Sentiment Analysis from Text -- mentor Philip Heinrich -- github
Abhinav Shukla: Efficiency improvements to the shot detection pipeline -- mentor Carlos Fernandez