— How to use the NewsScape Library search engine
The NewsScape Library search engine is available to the UCLA community on campus or via Virtual Private Network available to UCLA students and staff.
To use the NewsScape search engine, you need to either be on campus, or connect to the campus network via VPN (see BOL instructions). If you want to be able to work from home, you need to set up the VPN.
Go to the NewsScape search engine at http://tvnews.library.ucla.edu. You will see this opening screen:
In the search box, write "I wish I knew" in quotes and click on the search icon. You'll get around 932 hits. In the first hit, click on the thumbnail icon:
You'll see that the "Copy permalink" changes from "@ 00:00" to "@ 03:41. That's the location of the search phrase. As of 2016-01-30, there's a bug in the search interface that makes the search results skip the exact hit; we're trying to get it fixed.