Manual tagging

Red Hen provides several tools for manual tagging, suited to different circumstances and purposes:

Red Hen aims to incorporate annotations made in all of these ways into its metadata repository, so that the results are searchable and when desired can be used for machine learning. So far, only NewsScape's online tagging interface is fully integrated. We invite contributions to create the import and export script to the other tools.

Would you like to accomplish all or part of this task?

If so, write to

and we will try to connect you with a mentor.

Related pages

Tagging schemes

    1. Categories. What are the major categories of tags that should be created? E.g. Segment, Gesture, Named Entity Recognition, etc. See How to Use the Online Tagging Interface for the current options.
    2. Annotation Timeline. Can we design snapshot visualizations of the complex structure of tags (manual or automatic) attached to a recording or an interval of a recording?
    3. Gestures. What structure is needed for a gesture tag? See How to Use the Online Tagging Interface for the current options.
      1. Irene Mittelberg and her group have composed a list, with photographs, of examples of gestures for which we might tag. Most of these gestures enact Jana Bressem's form categories.
    4. Some more examples of gestures for which we might tag.
      1. A beginning tutorial for tagging in ELAN is available at . Full manuals are at
      2. Multiple file N-gram analysis in ELAN. This is an extension of ELAN functionality contributed by Larwan Berke and Rosalee Wolfe. It produces N-gram statistics for a selection of tiers. The size of the N-gram can be set and the results can be exported to tab-delimited text. The raw data contain the results of many more algorithms than shown in the statistics overview and all these data can be exported tab-delimited as well. This pdf explains the rationale behind the development of this corpus analysis tool and describes in more detail the algorithms applied. Author: Larwan Berke (Gallaudet University). See
      3. Export options for ELAN: See section Tab-delimited text file. All documents can be exported into a tabular format for purposes of further analysis and/or printing. This includes documents that were created by ELAN itself (see Section 4.2.1 and Section 4.2.4) as well as documents that were imported into ELAN from Shoebox (see Section
      4. Jana Bressem's paper:
      5. What does a tagging scheme look like? To propose a new tagging scheme, use the format
      6. <tag name> <field name> <select-multi or text> <value>.
      7. Here is an example of a gesture tagging scheme:
      8. GES Type select-multi left hand
      9. GES Type select-multi right hand
      10. GES Type select-multi both hands
      11. GES Type select-multi point
      12. GES Type select-multi trajectory
      13. GES Type select-multi telic
      14. GES Type select-multi atelic
      15. GES Type select-multi viewpoint
      16. GES Type select-multi iconic
      17. GES Type select-multi metaphoric
      18. GES Orientation select-multi sagittal
      19. GES Orientation select-multi lateral
      20. GES Topic select-multi time
      21. GES Topic select-multi emotion
      22. GES Topic select-multi argument
      23. GES Comment text
      25. Databricks.
      26. New form for manual gesture tagging:
      • Categories included:
        • type of gesture (McNeill, 1992);
        • type of gesture (McNeill, 1992);
        • type of gesture (McNeill, 1992);
        • body part(s) involved;
        • body part(s) involved;
        • special categories for hands (configuration and orientation);
        • movement (for any kind of body part);
        • synchronization of gesture with speech and/or image(s);
        • gesture phases (when only one of them is described);
        • miscellany defined according to specific research needs that may be useful for the whole group: e.g. topic; image-schemas; free text fields, etc;
        • tagging status (draft vs. final).

Basic types according to broad form-function relation (based on McNeill, 1992)

GES Type select-multi deictic

GES Type select-multi metaphoric

GES Type select-multi beat

GES Type select-multi iconic

GES Type select-multi emblem

Body part(s) involved

GES Body part select-multi left hand

GES Body part select-multi right hand

GES Body part select-multi both hands

GES Body part select-multi head

GES Body part select-multi gaze

GES Body part select-multi eyebrows

GES Body part select-multi other face part

GES Body part select-multi trunk

GES Body part select-multi shoulders

GES Body part select-multi other (see field Comments)

Hand configuration

GES Hand–form clusters select-multi fist

GES Hand–form clusters select-multi flat hand

GES Hand–form clusters select-multi single finger

GES Hand–form clusters select-multi combination of fingers

GES Hand–numbering of fingers select-multi 1=thumb

GES Hand–numbering of fingers select-multi 2=index

GES Hand–numbering of fingers select-multi 3=middle finger

GES Hand–numbering of fingers select-multi 4=ring finger

GES Hand–numbering of fingers select-multi 5=little finger

GES Hand–shape of digits select-multi stretched

GES Hand–shape of digits select-multi bent

GES Hand–shape of digits select-multi crooked

GES Hand–shape of digits select-multi flapped down

GES Hand–shape of digits select-multi connected

GES Hand–shape of digits select-multi touching

Hand orientation

GES Hand orientation select-multi palm-up

GES Hand orientation select-multi palm-down

GES Hand orientation select-multi palm-lateral

GES Hand orientation select-multi palm-vertical

GES Hand orientation select-multi palm-diagonal


GES Movement–axis select-multi vertical

GES Movement–axis select-multi horizontal/lateral

GES Movement–axis select-multi sagittal

GES Movement–axis select-multi diagonal

GES Movement–direction select-multi upward

GES Movement–direction select-multi downward

GES Movement–direction select-multi leftward

GES Movement–direction select-multi rightward

GES Movement–direction select-multi towards body

GES Movement–direction select-multi away from body

GES Movement–direction select-multi diagonal: right up

GES Movement–direction select-multi diagonal: left up

GES Movement–direction select-multi diagonal: right down

GES Movement–direction select-multi diagonal: left down

GES Movement–direction select-multi circular: clockwise

GES Movement–direction select-multi circular: counterclockwise

GES Movement–direction select-multi towards an object[i1]

GES Movement–shape select-multi straight

GES Movement–shape select-multi arced

GES Movement–shape select-multi circular

GES Movement–shape select-multi zigzag

GES Movement–shape select-multi s-line

GES Movement–shape select-multi spiral

GES Movement–size select-multi reduced

GES Movement–size select-multi enlarged

GES Movement–speed select-multi accelerated

GES Movement–speed select-multi decelerated

GES Movement–flow select-multi accentuated

GES Movement–flow select-multi repetitive


GES Synchronization select-multi synchronized with speech

GES Synchronization select-multi before speech

GES Synchronization select-multi after speech

GES Synchronization select-multi synchronized with image

GES Synchronization select-multi before image

GES Synchronization select-multi after image


GES Phases select-multi preparation

GES Phases select-multi stroke

GES Phases select-multi retraction

Other fields (miscellany)

GES Topic select-multi time

GES Topic select-multi emotion

GES Topic select-multi argument

GES Object designated select-multi physical (on TV set)

GES Object designated select-multi image

GES Object designated select-multi announced/expected image

GES Object designated select-multi expected/announced person

GES Function select-multi depictive

GES Function select-multi interactive

GES Link to grammatical category text (e.g. subject, object, verb, adverb, etc.)

GES Image-schema(s) text (e.g. container, source-path-goal, balance, etc.)

GES Comments text

GES Transcript text

GES Query text

GES Co-speakers’ behavior text

Tagging status

GES Status select-multi draft

GES Status select-multi final

General overview of new gesture tagging form

        • type of gesture: deictic, metaphoric, beat, iconic, emblem (McNeill, 1992);
        • body part(s) involved;
        • special categories for hand gestures (configuration and orientation);
        • movement features;
        • synchronization of gesture with speech and/or image(s);
        • gesture phases;
        • research-oriented miscellany: e.g. topic; image-schemas; free text fields, etc;
        • tagging status (draft vs. final).